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Int 5F Fn 0D  - HP 95lx Graphics Primitives - Get Image                    [b]

   AH = 0Dh
   DX,CX = row,column of first corner
   BP,SI = row,column of second corner
   ES:DI -> image buffer (see below)

Note:  the specified corners are included in the saved image

See Also: AH=0Eh

Format of image buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    number of planes (always 01h on HP 95LX)
 02h   WORD    number of bits/pixel (always 01h on HP 95LX)
 04h   WORD    image width in pixels
 06h   WORD    image height in pixels
 08h  N BYTEs  image data
       requires (WIDTH+7)/8 * HEIGHT bytes

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