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Int 41  - Acorn Bbc Master 512 - "osgbpb" - Multi-byte Get/put             [O]

   AL = function
       01h put bytes sequentially
       02h put bytes, ignoring sequential pointer
       03h get bytes sequentially
       04h get bytes, ignoring sequential pointer
       05h get media title and boot option
       06h get current device and directory
       07h get current library and device
       08h search directory
   DS:BX -> control block (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
   AL = 00h if operation attempted
   AL unchanged if unsupported function

See Also: INT 40"Acorn",INT 42"Acorn",INT 43"Acorn"

Format of control block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    file handle
 01h   DWORD   pointer to data in either I/O processor or Tube processor
 05h   DWORD   number of bytes to be transferred
 09h   DWORD   transfer address

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