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Int 33 Fn 0035  - MS Mouse V8.10+ - Lcd Screen Large Pointer Support       [M]

   AX = 0035h
   BX = function
       FFFFh get current settings

       Return: AX = 0000h
           BH = style (see below)
           BL = size (see below)
           CH = threshold
           CL = active flag (00h disabled, 01h enabled)
           DX = delay
       BH = style (00h normal, 01h reverse, 02h transparent)
       BL = size (00h small "1", 01h medium "1.5", 02h large "2")
       CH = threshold (00h-64h)
       CL = active flag (00h disable size change, 01h enable)
       DX = delay (0000h-0064h)

       Return: AX = 0000h

Note:  not supported by Logitech driver v6.10

See Also: AX=0012h,AX=002Ah

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