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Int 31 Fn 0C00  P - DPMI 1.0+ - Install Resident Handler Init Callback     [E]

   AX = 0C00h
   ES:(E)DI -> resident service provider structure (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (8015h,8021h,8025h) (see AX=0000h)

Note:  calling this function declares an intent to provide resident
     protected mode services after terminating with AX=0C01h

See Also: AX=0303h,AX=0C01h

Format of resident service provider structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   QWORD   descriptor for 16-bit data segment
 08h   QWORD   descriptor for 16-bit code segment (zeros if not supported)
 10h   WORD    offset of 16-bit callback procedure
 12h  2 BYTEs  reserved
 14h   QWORD   descriptor for 32-bit data segment
 1Ch   QWORD   descriptor for 32-bit code segment (zeros if not supported)
 24h   DWORD   offset of 32-bit callback procedure

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