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Int 31 Fn 050B  P - DPMI 1.0+ - Get Memory Information                     [E]

   AX = 050Bh
   ES:(E)DI -> 128-byte buffer for memory information (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error (DPMI 0.9 only)

Note:  16-bit programs use ES:DI, 32-bit programs must use ES:EDI

See Also: AX=0500h

Format of memory information:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   total allocated bytes of physical memory controlled by host
 04h   DWORD   total allocated bytes of virtual memory controlled by host
 08h   DWORD   total available bytes of virtual memory controlled by host
 0Ch   DWORD   total allocated bytes of virtual memory for curr virtual mach
 10h   DWORD   total available bytes of virtual memory for curr virtual mach
 14h   DWORD   total allocated bytes of virtual memory for current client
 18h   DWORD   total available bytes of virtual memory for current client
 1Ch   DWORD   total locked bytes for current client
 20h   DWORD   maximum locked bytes for current client
 24h   DWORD   highest linear address available to current client
 28h   DWORD   largest available memory block in bytes
 2Ch   DWORD   minimum allocation unit in bytes
 30h   DWORD   allocation alignment unit size in bytes
 34h 76 BYTEs  reserved (00h)

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