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Int 31 Fn 0305  P - DPMI 0.9+ - Get State Save/restore Addresses           [E]

   AX = 0305h

Return: CF clear
   AX = size in bytes of state buffer
   BX:CX = real mode address of procedure to save/restore state
   SI:(E)DI = protected mode procedure to save/restore state

Notes: the buffer size will be zero if it is not necessary to preserve state
   16-bit programs should call SI:DI, 32-bit programs should call SI:EDI
   this function is only needed if using the raw mode switch service

See Also: AX=0306h

Values to call state-save procedures with:
   AL = direction
       00h save state
       01h restore state
   ES:(E)DI -> state buffer

Return: all registers preserved

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