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Int 31 Fn 0203  P - DPMI 0.9+ - Set Processor Exception Handler Vector     [E]

   AX = 0203h
   BL = exception number (00h-1Fh)
   CX:(E)DX = selector:offset of handler

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (DPMI 1.0+) (8021h,8022h) (see AX=0000h)

Notes: 32-bit programs must supply an offset in EDX and use a 32-bit interrupt
     stack frame on chaining to the next exception handler
   the handler should return using a FAR return
   all fault stack frames contain an error code, but it is only valid for
     exceptions 08h and 0Ah-0Eh
   handlers will only be called if the exception occurs in protected mode,
     and the DPMI host does not transparently handle the exception
   the handler may change certain values on the stack frame (see below)
   DPMI 1.0+ supports this function only for backward compatibility; use
      AX=0212h or AX=0213h instead
   not supported by MS Windows 3.0 in Standard mode

See Also: AX=0202h,AX=0212h,AX=0213h,INT 2F/AX=FB42h/BX=0022h

Format of stack frame for 16-bit programs: (offset from SS:SP)
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   return CS:IP (do not change)
 04h   WORD    error code
 06h   DWORD   CS:IP of exception
 0Ah   WORD    flags
 0Ch   DWORD   SS:SP

Format of stack frame for 32-bit programs: (offset from SS:ESP)
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   return EIP (do not change)
 04h   WORD    return CS selector (do not change)
 06h   WORD    reserved (do not change)
 08h   DWORD   error code
 0Ch   DWORD   EIP of exception
 10h   WORD    CS selector of exception
 12h   WORD    reserved (do not change)
 18h   DWORD   ESP
 1Ch   WORD    SS
 1Eh   WORD    reserved (do not change)

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