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Int 2F Fn FB42  PU - Borland C++ DPMIload.exe - Load Protected-mode Execu  [E]

   AX = FB42h
   BX = 0004h
   DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename of protected-mode executable

Return: CX = selector of ??? or 0000h
   DX = status (0000h,FFF4h,others???) (see below)

Note:  the filename may also be terminated by a CR rather than a NUL under the
     BC++ 3.0 version of DPMILOAD

Values for status:
 0000h successful
 0001h ??? failure
 0002h invalid selector
 0004h unknown error
 0008h no more LDT descriptors available???
 FFDEh unable to set descriptor
 FFDFh unable to get segment base address
 FFE0h ???
 FFF2h invalid parameter value
 FFF4h component of filename too long (name not in 8.3 format)
 FFF5h pathname too long (>79 chars)
 FFF6h ???
 FFF8h ???
 FFF9h index out of range
 FFFAh ???
 FFFCh invalid access to code segment???
 FFFEh ???
 FFFFh general error

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson