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Int 2F Fn FB42  PU - Borland C++ 2.0 DPMIload.exe - Allocate Memory        [E]

   AX = FB42h
   BX = 0002h
   CX = size in bytes
   DX = bit flags
       bit 2: set to allocate DOS memory, clear for DPMI memory
   SI = selector of descriptor to be modified to access allocated memory
   DI = selector of a second descriptor to be modified

Return: AX = ??? or 0000h on error
   CX:DX = linear base address of DPMI memory block
   SI:DI = handle for DPMI memory block or FFFFh:FFFFh

Note:  two segment descriptors may be set if a code and an aliased data
     segment are required; if only one descriptor is needed, SI should
     equal DI on entry
BUG:   when allocating DOS memory, the code computes the linear address by
     multiplying the segment number by 4 rather than shifting by 4

See Also: AX=FB42h/BX=0003h,AX=FB42h/BX=0008h,INT 31/AX=0501h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson