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Int 2F Fn EEF0  - Web V4.02 - Web General Notification                     [N]

   AX = EEF0h
   BX = notification function ID (see below)

Return: varies by notification function
Program: WEB is an IPX-based peer-to-peer network by Webcorp.

Note:  the notification functions are used internally by WEB modules to notify
     other modules and external programs of actions or event, and should
     never be called by an application

See Also: AX=EE00h"WEB"

Values for Notification Function ID:
 00h   node added
 01h   node deleted
 02h   dial attempt
 03h   dial failed
 04h   file close
 05h   close connection
 07h   check Windows mode
 20h   link up
 21h   link down

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson