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Int 2F Fn DE01  - Desqview V2.26+ Xdi - Custom Subfunction, Dvtxdi.com     [U]

   AX = DE01h
   BX = 7474h
   CL = function
       00h installation check

       Return: AL = FFh
       01h get process handle
       DX = keys on Open Window menu (DL = first, DH = second)

       Return: AX = process handle or 0000h if not running
       02h (v1.3+) set TMAN handle
       DX = TMAN process handle
       03h (v1.3+) set open keys to ignore on next CL=01h call
       DX = keys on Open Window menu (DL = first, DH = second)

Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK")
   DL destroyed

Note:  DVTXDI is distributed as part of the shareware products DVTree (DOS
    shell/DESQview process manager) and DVTMAN by Mike Weaver
Index: installation check;DVTXDI

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