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Int 2F Fn D880  U - Novell Netware Lite V1.0+ - Server - Installation Che  [N]

   AX = D880h

Return: AL = FFh if installed
       DX = version number (0100h for v1.0, 0101h for v1.1)
       BX = data segment of resident copy
       CL = current state (00h SERVER is disabled, 01h SERVER is active)
       ES:DI -> private API entry point (see below)
       SI = ??? (offset of configuration info?)

See Also: AX=7A00h,AX=D800h,INT 2A/AX=D852h

Call SERVER API entry point with:
   BX = function
       0000h ???

       Return: ???

       Note: closes open files by calling INT 21/AH=3Eh
       0001h get connection information
       DX = connection number (0001h-max connections)
       ES:DI -> 28-byte buffer for connection information

       Return: CF clear if successful
               ES:DI buffer filled
           CF set on error
               AX = FFFFh

       Return: CF set
           AX = 0001h (invalid function)

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