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Int 2F Fn D44F  - 4dos V4.0+ - Kstack.com - Place Keystrokes Into Keystac  [K]

   AX = D44Fh
   BX = 0001h
   CX = number of keystrokes (01h-FFh)
   DS:DX -> keystroke list (one word per keystroke)

Return: AX = status
       0000h successful
       nonzero failed
   BX,CX,DX destroyed

Notes: the keystrokes are the exact values to return from subsequent calls to
     INT 16 with AH=00h,01h,10h, or 11h, with the following exceptions:
       0000h causes subfunctions 01h and 11h to indicate an empty
           keyboard buffer
       FFFFh is followed by a word indicating the number of clock
           ticks to delay before the next faked keystroke
   v4.00 KSTACK overwrites any unread keystrokes from the previous
     invocation, and does not range-check CX; it will overwrite memory
     following the resident portion if CX is greater than 100h.

See Also: AX=D44Fh/BX=0000h,INT 16/AH=00h,INT 21/AX=4403h

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