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Int 2F Fn D201  - Quarterdeck Rpci - QEMM/qram V5.0+ - Get Hiram Memory C  [m]

   AX = D201h
   BX = 4849h ("HI")
   CX = 5241h ("RA")
   DX = 4D30h ("M0")

Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK")
   CX = segment of start of HIRAM chain
   DX = reserved block owner (QEMM/QRAM code segment)

Notes: AH=D2h is the default multiplex number, but any value in the range
     D2h-FFh and then C0h-D1h may be used (see AX=D200h for details)
   the HIRAM memory chain has the same format as the regular DOS 4.0
     memory chain (see INT 21/AH=52h), except that XMS Upper Memory Blocks
     have the block header program name field set to "UMB"; blocks whose
     "owner" field is set to the reserved segment returned in DX are
     locked-out regions such as video memory and ROMs.

See Also: AX=12FFh/BX=0006h,AX=D200h

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