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Int 2F Fn CD04  - Intel Image Processing Interface - Move Bitmap To Scanl  [-]

   AX = CD04h
   CX:BX -> structure (see below)

Return: AL = 00h successful
      = 80h unsuccessful
      = 81h scan line out of range
      = 82h unsupported scan line density
      = 83h out of memory
      = 84h unrecognized source
      = 85h initialization error

See Also: AX=CD03h"Image"

Format of structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    image source (0 = conventional memory, 1 = expanded memory)
 02h   DWORD   pointer to image data
 06h   WORD    scan line on which to place
 08h   WORD    bit offset from start of scan line at which to place
 0Ah   WORD    density of bitmap data (300, 600, or 1200 dpi)
 0Ch   WORD    width in bits of data
 0Eh   WORD    source logical page number
 10h   WORD    source handle (only if source in expanded memory)
 12h   WORD    source offset (only if source in expanded memory)

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