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Int 2F Fn CB0E  - Communicating Applications Specification - Get External  [F]

   AX = CB0Eh
   DS:DX -> 256-byte buffer

Return: AX = 0000h successful
       buffer filled
   AX < 0     error code (see AX=CB01h)

Format of external data block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    CAS major version
 01h   BYTE    CAS minor version
 02h 68 BYTEs  ASCIZ path to directory containing CAS software, ends in slash
 46h 13 BYTEs  ASCIZ name of current phonebook (in CAS directory)
 53h 13 BYTEs  ASCIZ name of current logo file (in CAS directory)
 60h 32 BYTEs  ASCIZ default sender name
 80h 21 BYTEs  ASCIZ CCITT identification of fax device
 95h 107 BYTEs reserved

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