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Int 2F Fn C000  U - Printcache V3.1 PCache.exe - Installation Check        [c]

   AX = C000h

Return: AL = FFh if installed
       SI = signature value 20D6h
       DI = signature value 8761h
       ES:BX -> configuration table (see below)
       CX = ??? (0300h)
       DX = ??? (0020h)
Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by
     LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output

Note:  AH=C0h is the default, and may be set to any value from C0h to FFh
     with a commandline switch

See Also: AX=0100h/SI=20D6h,AX=C001h"PCACHE"

Format of configuration table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 26 BYTEs  ASCIZ signature string "TORQ Configuration Table: "
 1Ah  2 BYTEs  ???
 1Ch   DWORD   -> data table (see below)
 20h  4 BYTEs  ASCIZ version string ("3.1" for v3.1)
 24h  5 BYTEs  ???
 29h 12 BYTEs  ASCIZ version date string ("Aug 31 1993" for v3.1)
 35h   WORD    buffered port type (01h = LPT, 02h = COM)
 37h   WORD    buffered port BIOS port number
 39h  5 BYTEs  ASCIZ buffered port name ("LPTn" or "COMn")
 3Eh   WORD    physical port type (01h = LPT, 02h = COM)
 40h   WORD    physical port BIOS port number
 42h  5 BYTEs  ASCIZ physical port name ("LPTn" or "COMn")
 47h   BYTE    port driver IRQ
 48h 21 BYTEs  ???
 5Dh   WORD    buffer size in K
 5Fh 27 BYTEs  ???
 7Ah   BYTE    popup hotkey shift states (see INT 16/AH=02h)
 7Bh   BYTE    popup hotkey scan code (see INT 09h"IRQ1")
 7Ch  4 BYTEs  ???
 80h 20 BYTEs  ASCIZ printer type name

Format of data table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  2 BYTEs  ???
 02h   DWORD   -> ??? entry point

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