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Int 2F Fn AD80  u - DOS 3.3+ Keyb.com Internal - Installation Check        [K]

   AX = AD80h

Return: AL = FFh if installed
       BX = version number (BH = major, BL = minor)
       ES:DI -> internal data (see below)

Notes: MS-DOS 3.30, PC-DOS 4.01, and MS-DOS 5.00 all report version 1.00.
   undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0

Format of KEYB internal data:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   original INT 09
 04h   DWORD   original INT 2F
 08h  6 BYTEs  ???
 0Eh   WORD    flags
 10h   BYTE    ???
 11h   BYTE    ???
 12h  4 BYTEs  ???
 16h  2 BYTEs  country ID letters
 18h   WORD    current code page
---DOS 3.3---
 1Ah   WORD    pointer to first item in list of code page tables???
 1Ch   WORD    pointer to ??? item in list of code page tables
 1Eh  2 BYTEs  ???
 20h   WORD    pointer to key translation data
 22h   WORD    pointer to last item in code page table list (see below)
 24h  9 BYTEs  ???
---DOS 4.01---
 1Ah  2 BYTEs  ???
 1Ch   WORD    pointer to first item in list of code page tables???
 1Eh   WORD    pointer to ??? item in list of code page tables
 20h  2 BYTEs  ???
 22h   WORD    pointer to key translation data
 24h   WORD    pointer to last item in code page table list (see below)
 26h  9 BYTEs  ???

Format of code page table list entries:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to next item, FFFFh = last
 02h   WORD    code page
 04h  2 BYTEs  ???

Format of translation data:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    size of data in bytes, including this word
 02h N-2 BYTEs ???

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson