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Int 2F Fn 8000  - Cs_tsr Specification - Tsr Installation Check            [t]

   AX = 8000h
   DS:SI -> 4-byte CS_TSR signature (11h 43h 53h 10h)

Return: AL = status
       00h no CS_TSR-compliant TSRs installed
       01h installed, but signature did not match
       FFh installed, signature matches
       ES:DI -> resident process block (see below) of last installed
             TSR (if DS:SI pointed at signature on entry)
Program: the CS_TSR specification is a standardized TSR interface by Compact
     Soft group in Kiev, Ukraine
Desc:  determine whether any CS_TSR-compliant TSRs are installed on the
     selected multiplex number

Note:  AH=80h is the default, but any multiplex number from 80h to FFh may be

See Also: AX=8001h"CS_TSR",AX=8002h"CS_TSR",AX=8003h"CS_TSR"

Format of process block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  CS_TSR signature 11h 43h 53h 10h
 04h   BYTE    INT 2F multiplex number
 05h   WORD    virtual process handle (unique among loaded TSRs)
 07h  2 BYTEs  version (binary minor version, then major version)
 09h   WORD    PSP segment of TSR
 0Bh   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ program name
 0Fh  3 BYTEs  program creation date (day, month, year)
 12h  3 BYTEs  process start time (seconds, minutes, hours)
 15h  3 BYTEs  process start date (day, month, year)

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