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Int 2F Fn 7F01  - Jim Harper's Cd-rom Redirector Scsi Driver - Do Command  [d]

   AX = 7F01h
   DS:DX -> command record (see below)

Return: AL = status
       00h successful
       else error code

See Also: AX=7F00h,AX=7F02h,INT 11/AH=FFh"SDLP",INT 21/AX=4402h"ASPI"

See Also: INT 4F/AX=8100h

Format of command record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    ID
 01h 10 BYTEs  CDB (Command Descriptor Block) for operation
 0Bh   WORD    segment of buffer
 0Dh   WORD    offset of buffer
 0Fh   BYTE    status
 10h   BYTE    sense
 12h   WORD    count

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