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Int 2F Fn 7A10  U - Novell Netware - Tbmi V1.1+ - Get Tbmi Status          [N]

   AX = 7A10h

Return: DH = major TBMI version number
   DL = minor TBMI version number (01h for v1.1)
   CX = segment address of TBMI resident part
   BX = status word of TBMI (see below)

Note:  TBMI is the Task-Switched Buffer Manager Interface

See Also: AX=7A11h,AX=7A12h,AX=7A13h,AX=7A14h

Bitfields for status word:
 bit 0 INT2F intercepted by TBMI
 bit 1 INT7A intercepted by TBMI
 bit 2 INT64 intercepted by TBMI
 bits 3-14 reserved or unused ???
 bit 15 outstanding task ID was detected

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