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Int 2F Fn 4E53  - Silvernet - Get Runtime Parameter                        [N]

   AX = 4E53h ("NS")
   BL = 01h (function "get runtime parameter")
   BH = module ID (see AX=4E53h/BL=00h)
   CX = parameter index (see below)

Return: AX = WORD value at specified index
Desc:  retrieve a word of data from the specified SilverNET module

Values for Peer parameter index (* = read-only):
 00h * maximum outstanding SMB buffers
 02h * maximum logged-in nodes
 04h * number of shareable resources
 06h * number of characters to print per time slice
 08h * number of printers that can be shared
 0Ah * number of nodes logged in
 0Ch * number of files to allow opened
 0Eh   how fast to despool (/PSLICE)
 10h   audit flag
 24h * far pointer to resource table (each resource is 96 bytes in length)
 32h * far pointer to SFT (internal if SilverNET files > CONFIG.SYS files,
   else DOS SFT)
 36h   spool flag
   bit 0: LPT1 needs despooling
   bit 1: LPT2 needs despooling
   bit 2: LPT2 needs despooling
   bit 4: COM1 needs despooling
   bit 5: COM2 needs despooling
   bit 6: COM3 needs despooling

Values for NS Share parameter index (* = read-only):
 00h   version number (high byte = minor, low byte = major)
 10h * segment of first lock record (other records in consecutive paragraphs)
   (if PSP field = 0000h, lock record is free)
 12h * maximum possible number of lock records
 14h * starting segment of sharing buffer
   (NS Share's sharing records are identical to DOS SHARE except that
   fields which are normally offsets into SHARE are segment numbers)
 18h * size of sharing buffer in paragraphs
 1Ah * total free paragraphs in sharing buffer
 1Ch * current number of shared files
 1Eh * current number of locked records

Values for Workstation parameter index (* = read-only):
 00h   version number (high byte = minor, low byte = major)
 02h * size of each network buffer for file operations
 04h * number of redirector file buffers
 06h * size of each print cache buffer
 08h * number of network LPT printers
 0Ch   flush time in ticks (idle time on network printer before flushing)
 0Eh   (16 WORDs) last active time for each printer
 2Eh * stub segment if program split into two parts
 60h   receive name number for datagram listens
 62h * 18-byte machine name
 74h * LASTDRIVE (01h = A:, etc.)
 7Ch   row number of message box on screen
 7Eh   message time in clock ticks
 82h * number of network adapters in use
 84h   station ID broadcast flag (never set on redirectors)
 96h * NetBIOS names left
 98h * NCBs left
 9Ah * sessions left
 A2h * total number of network printers (LPT+COM)
 A4h * number of serial network printers
 A8h * segment containing file cache buffers
 AAh * segment containing print cache buffers
 ACh * bytes remaining free in HMA before program loaded
 AEh * start of free memory in HMA
 B2h * flag: using HMA

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