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Int 2F Fn 4508  U - Microsoft Profiler (prof.com/vprod.386) - Alternate S  [G]

   AX = 4508h
   BX = ordinal (or 0000h)
   CX = segment
   DX = instance (or 0000h)
   SI = type (or 0000h)
   ES:DI -> ASCIZ module name

Notes: this call is an alternate entry to the profiler's SEGDEBUG
     interface, but only to function 0, for notifying the profiler of
     each new segment loaded.  The SHOWHITS utility then examines the
     profiler's output files (CSIPS.DAT and SEGENTRY.DAT) in conjunction
     with symbol files to provide information in a useful form.
   this call does not have a corresponding Windows function

See Also: AX=4500h

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