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Int 2F Fn 2707  - Dr-dos 6.0 Taskmax - Create New Task                     [T]

   AX = 2707h
   DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname of executable
   ES:BX -> parameter block (see below)
   CX = number of ticks before automatic return to task manager
       (0000h = run until termination or explicitly switched)

Return: DX = new task's task index (FFFFh if task terminated)

See Also: AX=2706h,AX=2708h

Format of parameter block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    reserved, should be 0000h
 02h   DWORD   pointer to command tail to be copied into child's PSP
 06h   DWORD   pointer to first FCB to be copied into child's PSP
 0Ah   DWORD   pointer to second FCB to be copied into child's PSP

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