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Int 2F Fn 168A  - DPMI 0.9+ - Get Vendor-specific API Entry Point          [E]

   AX = 168Ah
   DS:(E)SI = selector:offset of ASCIZ vendor name

Return: AL = status
       00h successful
          ES:(E)DI -> extended API entry point
       8Ah unsuccessful

Notes: the vendor name is used to determine which entry point to return; it is
   available in protected mode only
   32-bit applications use ESI and EDI, 16-bit applications use SI and DI
   this call is present but not documented for DPMI 0.9
   the Borland C++ 3.1 DPMILOAD does not handle requests for entry points
     other than the MS-DOS one gracefully, producing an unhandled
     exception report; this has been fixed in the Borland Pascal 7 version

See Also: INT 31/AX=0A00h,INT 31/AH=57h

Vendor names:
 "MS-DOS"  ??? and 386MAX v6.00+
 "386MAX"  386MAX v6.00+
 "HELIX_DPMI"  Helix Netroom's DPMI server
 "Phar Lap"    Phar Lap 286|DOS-Extender RUN286

Call Phar Lap RUN286 entry point with:
   AX = 0000h (function "load MSW")
   BX = new value for MSW register (low word of CR0)

Return: ???

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