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Int 2F Fn 1603  - MS Windows/386 - Get Instance Data                       [W]

   AX = 1603h

Return: AX = 5248h ('RH') if supported
       DS:SI -> Windows/386 instance data (see below)

Notes: reportedly supported by RM Nimbus MS-DOS 3.3 kernel
   this function is called by DOSMGR when AX=1607h/BX=0015h is not
     supported, as is the case in DOS versions prior to 5.0
   see Geoff Chappell's book _DOS_Internals_ for additional discussions of
     this function, DOSMGR's behavior, and instancing in general

See Also: AX=1607h/BX=0015h

Format of Windows/386 instance data:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of IO.SYS (0000h = default 0070h)
 02h   WORD    offset in IO.SYS of STACKS data structure (DOS 3.2x)
       0000h if not applicable
 04h   WORD    number of instance data entries (max 32)
 06h   Array of instance data entries
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h    WORD    segment (0002h = DOS kernel)
    02h    WORD    offset
    04h    WORD    size

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