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Int 2F Fn 1401  CU - Nlsfunc.com - Change Code Page                        [U]

   AX = 1401h
   DS:SI -> internal code page structure (see below)
   BX = new code page (see INT 21/AX=6602h)
   DX = country code???

Return: AL = status
        00h successful
        else DOS error code

Note:  this function is called by the DOS v3.3+ kernel

See Also: AX=1400h"NLSFUNC",AX=1402h"NLSFUNC",INT 21/AH=66h

Format of DOS 3.30 internal code page structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  8 BYTEs  ???
 08h 64 BYTEs  name of country information file
 48h   WORD    system code page
 4Ah   WORD    number of supported subfunctions
 4Ch  5 BYTEs  data to return for INT 21/AX=6502h
 51h  5 BYTEs  data to return for INT 21/AX=6504h
 56h  5 BYTEs  data to return for INT 21/AX=6505h
 5Bh  5 BYTEs  data to return for INT 21/AX=6506h
 60h 41 BYTEs  data to return for INT 21/AX=6501h

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