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Int 2F Fn 120B  U - DOS 3+ Internal - Signal Sharing Violation To User     [D]

   AX = 120Bh
   ES:DI -> system file table entry for previous open of file
   STACK: WORD extended error code (should be 20h--sharing violation)

Return: CF clear if operation should be retried
   CF set if operation should not be retried
       AX = error code (20h) (see INT 21/AH=59h)
   STACK unchanged

Notes: can only be called during a DOS function call
   should only be called if an attempt was made to open an already-open
     file contrary to the sharing rules
   invokes INT 24 if SFT file opened via FCB or in compatibility mode with
     inheritance allowed

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson