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Int 2F Fn 1186  - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dosreadasynchnmpipe           [N]

   AX = 1186h
   DS:SI -> stack frame (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set if error
       AX = error code

Note:  LAN Manager enhance mode adds features beyond the standard redirector
     file/printer services

See Also: AX=118Fh,AX=1190h,AX=1191h,INT 21/AX=5F39h

Format of DosReadAsynchNmPipe stack frame:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   -> number of bytes read
 04h   WORD    size of buffer
 06h   DWORD   -> buffer
 0Ah   DWORD   -> return code
 0Eh   DWORD   function to call on completion as function( char far *buffer )
 12h   WORD    handle

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