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 4bh 11 Bytes volume Label Or "no Name    " If None (apparently Taken From

       extended boot record rather than root directory)
 56h   BYTE    terminating null for volume label
 57h   DWORD   serial number
 5Bh  8 BYTEs  filesystem type ("FAT12   " or "FAT16   ")
 63h   BYTE    terminating null for filesystem type

Bitfields for flags describing drive:
 bit 0 fixed media
 bit 1 door lock ("changeline") supported
 bit 2 current BPB locked
 bit 3 all sectors in a track are the same size
 bit 4 physical drive has multiple logical units
 bit 5 current logical drive for physical drive
 bit 6 disk change detected
 bit 7 set DASD before formatting
 bit 8 disk reformatted
 bit 9 unformatted (fixed media only, disables reads and writes)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson