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Int 2F Fn 0104  - DOS 3+ Print.com - Freeze Print Queue To Read Job Statu  [c]

   AX = 0104h

Return: CF clear if successful
       DX = error count since status last read
       DS:SI -> print queue
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (see AX=0101h)
Desc:  get the list of print jobs, temporarily suspending PRINT's activities
     to avoid changing the list while it is being examined

Notes: the print queue is an array of 64-byte ASCIZ filenames terminated by
     an empty filename; the first name is the file currently being printed
   printing is stopped until AX=0105h is called to prevent the queue
     from changing while the filenames are being read

See Also: AX=0101h,AX=0105h

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