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Int 2F Fn 0100  U - Printcache 3.1 Print.com - Installation Check          [c]

   AX = 0100h
   SI = 20D6h
   DI = 8761h

Return: AX = 00FFh if installed
   DI = 0001h if PrintCache's PRINT.COM installed and magic values match
       SI = resident code segment
Program: PrintCache PRINT.COM is a DOS PRINT replacement included in
     LaserTools' PrintCache memory/disk-based print spooler package

Note:  if either of SI or DI differ from the indicated magic values, only AX
     will be modified on return, for compatibility with DOS PRINT

See Also: AX=0101h/SI=20D6h,AX=C000h"PCACHE"

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