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Int 2D  - Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification (amis) [v3.5.1]  (Cont.)

 'Sally IS' 'Mdisk   ' removeable, resizeable RAMdisk
 'Sally IS' 'Scr2Tex ' screen dumper with output in (La)Tex format
 'Thaco      ' 'NEST    '  Eirik Pedersen's programmer's delimiter matcher
 'TifaWARE' 'EATMEM  ' George A. Theall's public domain memory restrictor for
           testing programs (v1.1+)
 'TifaWARE' 'RECALL  ' public domain commandline editor and history (v1.2+)
 'Todd   ' 'XPTR2   '  PC-to-Transputer interface by Todd Radel

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson