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Int 2A Fn FF96  - PC/tcp Predir.exe - Set Print Job Termination Configura  [N]

   AX = FF96h
   CX = what to set
       0000h ???
       0001h print-on-hotkey state
       0002h print-on-exit state
       0003h print job timeout in clock ticks
       0004h print-on-EOF state
   BX = new value (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled except for timeout)

Return: AX = ???

See Also: AX=FF97h

Note:  PREDIR.EXE is the network printer redirector included as part of the
     PC/TCP system by FTP Software, Inc.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson