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Int 2A Fn 04  - Network (microsoft,lantastic) - Execute Netbios Request    [N]

   AH = 04h
   AL = error retry
       00h automatically retry request on errors 09h, 12h, and 21h
       01h no retry
       02h ???
   ES:BX -> Network Control Block (see INT 5C"NetBIOS")

Return: AX = 0000h if successful
   AH = 01h on error
       AL = error code

Notes: invokes either INT 5B or INT 5C as appropriate
   also supported by Lantastic, NetWare, 10NET, etc.
   NetWare 2.15 NetBIOS emulator returns CF clear if successful, CF set
     on error

See Also: AH=01h,AX=0500h,INT 5B,INT 5C"NetBIOS"

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