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Int 23  - DOS 1+ - Control-c/control-break Handler                         [D]

---DOS 1.x---

Return: AH = 00h abort program
   if all registers preserved, restart DOS call
---DOS 2+---
   CF clear

Return: all registers preserved
   return via RETF or RETF 2 with CF set
       DOS will abort program with errorlevel 0
   else (RETF/RETF 2 with CF clear or IRET)
       interrupted DOS call is restarted

Notes: this interrupt is invoked whenever DOS detects a  r reak; it
     should never be called directly
   MS-DOS 1.25 also invokes INT 23 on a divide overflow (INT 00)
   DOS remembers the stack pointer before calling INT 23, and if it is
     not the same on return, pops and discards the top word; this is what
     permits a return with RETF as well as IRET or RETF 2
   any DOS call may safely be made within the INT 23 handler, although
     the handler must check for a recursive invocation if it does
     call DOS

See Also: INT 1B

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson