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Int 21 Fn F257  - Novell Netware V3+ - Get Name Space Information For Fil  [N]

   AX = F257h subfn 06h
   CX = length of request buffer in bytes
   DX = length of reply buffer in bytes
   DS:SI -> request buffer (see below)
   ES:DI -> reply buffer (see below)

Return: AL = status
   reply buffer filled

Format of request buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    06h (subfunction "Get NS Entry Info")
 01h   BYTE    name space
 02h   BYTE    destination name space
 03h   WORD    search attributes
 05h   DWORD   return information mask (should be 00000200h)
 09h   BYTE    volume number
 0Ah   DWORD   directory handle
 0Eh   BYTE    handle flag (should be FFh)
 0Fh   BYTE    number of path components
 10h  N BYTEs  list of path components (each a counted string)

Format of reply buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 72 BYTEs  reserved
 48h   DWORD   creator's name space number
 4Ch 257 BYTEs reserved

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