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Int 21 Fn EB  - Novell Netware - Synchronization Services - Log File       [N]

   AH = EBh
   DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
   if function C6h lock mode 01h:
       AL = flags
       00h log file only
       01h lock as well as log file
           BP = lock timeout in timer ticks (1/18 second)
           0000h = don't wait if file already locked

Return: AL = error code
       00h successful
       96h no dynamic memory for file
       FEh timed out
       FFh failed
Desc:  add the location and size of the specified file to the log table and
     optionally lock the file

Note:  this function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and
     Alloy NTNX

See Also: AH=BCh"NetWare",AH=CAh,AH=D0h,AH=ECh"NetWare",AH=EDh"NetWare"

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