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Int 21 Fn EA  - Novell Netware, Alloy Ntnx - Return Shell Version          [N]

   AH = EAh
   AL = return version environment string
       00h     don't return string
       nonzero return string in 40-byte buffer pointed to by ES:DI

       Return: buffer filled with three null-terminated entries:
           major operating system
           hardware type

Return: AH = operating system (00h = MS-DOS)
   AL = hardware type
       00h IBM PC
       01h Victor 9000
   BH = major shell version
   BL = minor shell version
   CH = (v3.01+) shell type
       00h conventional memory
       01h expanded memory
       02h extended memory
   CL = shell revision number

Note:  this function is supported by NetWare 4.6 and Advanced NetWare 1.0+

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