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Int 21 Fn E3  - Novell Netware - File Server - Get Physical Record Locks   [N]

   AH = E3h subfn DDh
   DS:SI -> request buffer (see below)
   ES:DI -> reply buffer (see below)

Return: AL = status
       00h successful
       C6h no console rights
       FFh file not open

Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+
   the calling workstation must have console operator privileges

See Also: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DEh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh

Format of request buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    0016h (length of following data)
 02h   BYTE    DDh (subfunction "Get Physical Record Locks by Connection and
 03h   WORD    (big-endian) logical connection number
 05h   WORD    (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call)
 07h   BYTE    volume number (00h-1Fh)
 08h   WORD    (big-endian) directory handle
 0Ah 14 BYTEs  ASCIZ filename

Format of reply buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh)
 02h   WORD    next request record (place in "last record" on next call)
       0000h if no more records
 04h   BYTE    number of physical record locks
 05h   BYTE    number of records following
 06h   var array of Physical Record Lock Info records (see below)

Format of Physical Record Lock Info:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    task number
 01h   BYTE    lock status (see below)
 02h   DWORD   (big-endian) starting offset of record in file
 06h   DWORD   (big-endian) ending offset of record in file

Bitfields for lock status:
 bit 0 exclusive lock
 bit 1 shareable lock
 bit 2 logged
 bit 6 lock held by TTS

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