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03BC-03BF ---- parallel printer port, same as 0278 and 0378

03BC   w   data port
03BD   r/w status port
        bit 7 = 0  busy
        bit 6 = 0  acknowledge
        bit 5 = 1  out of paper
        bit 4 = 1  printer is selected
        bit 3 = 0  error
        bit 2 = 0  IRQ has occurred
        bit 1-0    reserved

03BE   r/w control port
        bit 7-5    reserved
        bit 4 = 1  enable IRQ
        bit 3 = 1  select printer
        bit 2 = 0  initialize printer
        bit 1 = 1  automatic line feed
        bit 0 = 1  strobe

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson