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Int 21 Fn E3  - Novell Netware - Queue Services - Read Queue Job Entry     [N]

   AH = E3h subfn 6Ch
   DS:SI -> request buffer (see below)
   ES:DI -> reply buffer (see below)

Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h-D3h,D5h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see AH=E3h/SF=64h)

Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+
   caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a
     member of the Q_USERS, Q_OPERATORS, or Q_SERVERS properties

See Also: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh

Format of request buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    0007h (length of following data)
 02h   BYTE    6Ch (subfunction "Read Queue Job Entry")
 03h   DWORD   (big-endian) object ID of queue
 07h   WORD    (big-endian) job number

Format of reply buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    (call) 0100h (size of following results)
 02h   BYTE    client station number
 03h   BYTE    client task number
 04h   DWORD   object ID of client
 08h   DWORD   (big-endian) object ID of target server
       FFFFFFFFh if any server acceptable
 0Ch  6 BYTEs  target execution time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
       FFFFFFFFFFFFh if serviced as soon as possible
 12h  6 BYTEs  job entry time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
 18h   WORD    (big-endian) job number
 1Ah   WORD    (big-endian) job type
 1Ch   BYTE    job position
 1Dh   BYTE    job control flags (see below)
 1Eh 14 BYTEs  ASCIZ job filename
 2Ch  6 BYTEs  job file handle
 32h   BYTE    server station
 33h   BYTE    server task number
 34h   DWORD   object ID of server
 38h 50 BYTEs  ASCIZ job description string
 6Ah 152 BYTEs client record area

Bitfields for job control flags:
 bit 3 job will be serviced automatically if connection broken
 bit 4 job remains in queue after server aborts job
 bit 5 client has not filled associated job file
 bit 6 User Hold--job advances, but cannot be serviced until this bit is
     cleared by user or operator
 bit 7 Operator Hold--job advances, but cannot be serviced until this bit is
     cleared by an operator

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