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0200-020F ---- Game port reserved I/O address space  

0200-0207 ----  Game port, eight identical addresses on some boards

0201   r   read joystick position and status
        bit 7  status B joystick button 2 / D paddle button
        bit 6  status B joystick button 1 / C paddle button
        bit 5  status A joystick button 2 / B paddle button
        bit 4  status A joystick button 1 / A paddle button
        bit 3  B joystick Y coordinate    / D paddle coordinate
        bit 2  B joystick X coordinate    / C paddle coordinate
        bit 1  A joystick Y coordinate    / B paddle coordinate
        bit 0  A joystick X coordinate    / A paddle coordinate

   w   fire joysticks four one-shots

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