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Int 21 Fn DA  - Novell Netware - Directory Services - Get Volume Info Wit  [N]

   AH = DAh
   DL = volume number
   ES:DI -> reply buffer (see below)

Return: AL = 00h

Notes: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+ and Advanced NetWare 1.0+
   operator console rights are not required to make this call
   reported total blocks and total unused blocks include the Hot Fix
     Table; the NetWare shell's implementation of INT 21/AH=36h will
     report values larger than 268MB as 268MB.

See Also: AH=36h,AH=E2h/SF=15h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h

Format of reply buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    sectors/block
 02h   WORD    total blocks on volume
 04h   WORD    unused blocks
 06h   WORD    total directory entries
 08h   WORD    unused directory entries
 0Ah 16 BYTEs  volume name, null padded
 1Ah   WORD    removable flag, 0000h = not removable

Note:  all words are big-endian

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