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Int 21 Fn 5D05  U - DOS 3.1+ Internal - Share.exe - Get Open File List En  [D]

   AX = 5D05h
   DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see AX=5D00h)
   DPL's BX = index of sharing record (see AH=52h)
   DPL's CX = index of SFT in sharing record's SFT list

Return: CF clear if successful
       ES:DI -> ASCIZ filename
       BX = network machine number of SFT's owner
       CX = number of locks held by SFT's owner
   CF set if either index out of range
       AX = 0012h (no more files)

Notes: error unless SHARE is loaded (calls [SysFileTable-18h]) (see AH=52h)
   names are always canonical fully-qualified, such as returned by AH=60h
   not supported by DR-DOS 3.41 and 5.0, but does not return an error

See Also: AH=5Ch,AH=60h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson