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Int 21 Fn 5702  - DOS 4.x Only - Get Extended Attributes For File          [D]

   AX = 5702h
   BX = file handle
   CX = size of result buffer or 0000h
   DS:SI -> EAP list (see below)
   ES:DI -> buffer for returned EAV list (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
       CX = size of returned data
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (see AH=59h)
Desc:  get the current value of one or more extended attributes

Notes: if CX=0000h on entry, ES:DI is ignored and no data is actually
     returned, only the amount of data which is available
   the default DOS 4 behavior is to return a single word of 0000h (no
     structures) in the result buffer if CX>=0002h on entry

See Also: AX=5703h,AX=5704h,AH=6Eh,INT 2F/AX=112Dh

Format of EAP (extended attribute properties) list:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    number of EAP structures following
 02h   var array of EAP structures (see below)

Format of EAP (extended attribute property) structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    attribute type
       01h boolean (either 00h or 01h)
       02h number (BYTE, WORD, or DWORD)
       03h string
       04h date stamp
       05h time stamp
 01h   WORD    EAP flags (see below)
 03h   BYTE    size of reference string (name)
 04h  N BYTEs  reference string

Bitfields for EAP flags:
 bit 12 unchangeable
 bit 13 ignore
 bit 14 unchangeable
 bit 15 used by COMMAND.COM for code page, but not understood by ATTRIB

Format of EAV (extended attribute value) list:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    number of EAV structures following
 02h   var array of Extended Attribute Value structures

Format of Extended Attribute Value structures:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   BYTE    size of reference string
 05h   WORD    size of value
 07h   var reference string
   var value

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