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Int 21 Fn 440C  - DOS 3.2+ - Ioctl - Generic Character Device Request      [D]

   AX = 440Ch
   BX = device handle
   CH = category code
       00h unknown (DOS 3.3+)
       01h COMn: (DOS 3.3+)
       03h CON (DOS 3.3+)
       05h LPTn:
       9Eh Media Access Control driver (STARLITE)
       00h-7Fh reserved for Microsoft
       80h-FFh reserved for OEM/user-defined
   CL = function
       00h MAC driver Bind (STARLITE)
       45h set iteration (retry) count
       4Ah select code page
       4Ch start code-page preparation
       4Dh end code-page preparation
       5Fh set display information (DOS 4+)
       65h get iteration (retry) count
       6Ah query selected code page
       6Bh query prepare list
       7Fh get display information (DOS 4+)
   DS:DX -> parameter block (see below)
   SI = parameter to pass to driver (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box)
   DI = parameter to pass to driver (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box)

Return: CF set on error
       AX = error code (see AH=59h)
   CF clear if successful
       DS:DX -> iteration count if CL=65h
       SI = returned value (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box)
       DI = returned value (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box)

Notes: bit assignments for function code in CL:
       bit 7: set to ignore if unsupported, clear to return error
       bit 6: set if passed to driver, clear if intercepted by DOS
       bit 5: set if queries data from device, clear if sends command
       bits 4-0: subfunction
   DR-DOS 3.41 and 5.0 return error code 16h on CL=45h,65h if the device
     does not support a retry counter

See Also: AX=440Dh,INT 2F/AX=0802h,INT 2F/AX=122Bh,INT 2F/AX=14FFh

See Also: INT 2F/AX=1A01h

Format of parameter block for function 00h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  8 BYTEs  ASCIZ signature "STARMAC"
 08h   WORD    version
 0Ah   WORD    flags
       bit 0: media requires connect or listen request before use
       bit 1: network is a LAN (broadcast/multicast supported)
       bit 2: point-to-point network
 0Ch   WORD    handle for use with MAC driver's private interface (filled in
       by MAC driver)
 0Eh   WORD    context
 10h   WORD    approximate speed in KB/sec (filled in by MAC driver)
 12h   WORD    approximate cost in cents per hour (filled in by MAC driver)
 14h   WORD    maximum packet size in bytes (filled in by MAC driver)
 16h   WORD    addressing format (filled in by MAC driver)
       0000h general addressing
       0001h Ethernet addressing
       0002h Token Ring addressing
       0003h Token Bus addressing
 18h   DWORD   Send entry point (filled in by MAC driver)
 1Ch   DWORD   RegisterEventHandler entry point (filled in by MAC driver)
 20h   DWORD   SetPacketFilter entry point (filled in by MAC driver)
 24h   DWORD   UnBind entry point (filled in by MAC driver)

Format of parameter block for function 45h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    number of times output is attempted before driver assumes
       device is busy

Format of parameter block for functions 4Ah and 6Ah:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length of data
 02h   WORD    code page ID
 04h 2N BYTEs  DCBS (double byte character set) lead byte range
         start/end for each of N ranges (DOS 4.0)
   WORD    0000h  end of data (DOS 4.0)

Format of parameter block for function 4Ch:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    flags
       DISPLAY.SYS = 0000h
       PRINTER.SYS bit 0 clear to prepare downloaded font, set to
           prepare cartridge selection
 02h   WORD    length of remainder of parameter block
 04h   WORD    number of code pages following
 06h  N WORDs  code page 1,...,N

Format of parameter block for function 4Dh:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length of data
 02h   WORD    code page ID

Format of parameter block for functions 5Fh and 7Fh:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    level (0 for DOS 4.x-6.0)
 01h   BYTE    reserved (0)
 02h   WORD    length of following data (14)
 04h   WORD    control flags
         bit 0 set for blink, clear for intensity
         bits 1 to 15 reserved
 06h   BYTE    mode type (1=text, 2=graphics)
 07h   BYTE    reserved (0)
 08h   WORD    colors
          0 = monochrome
          else N bits per pixel
 0Ah   WORD    pixel columns
 0Ch   WORD    pixel rows
 0Eh   WORD    character columns
 10h   WORD    character rows

Format of parameter block for function 6Bh:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length of following data
 02h   WORD    number of hardware code pages
 04h  N WORDs  hardware code pages 1,...,N
   WORD    number of prepared code pages
      N WORDs  prepared code pages 1,...,N

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