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Int 21 Fn 4402  U - Memory Managers - Get Emm Import Structure Address     [m]

   AX = 4402h subfn 01h
   BX = file handle for device "EMMXXXX0"
   CX = 0006h (size of buffer in bytes)
   DS:DX -> buffer for EMM import structure record (see below)
       first byte must be 01h on entry

Return: CF clear if successful
       buffer filled (see INT 67/AH=3Fh function 1B00h)
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see AH=59h)

Notes: this function is supported by Microsoft EMM386.EXE v4.45+,
     QEMM-386 v6+, and CEMM v5.10+, and is intended for use by MS Windows
     as it starts up
   for QEMM-386, this call always returns an error if Windows3 support
     has been disabled with the NW3 switch

See Also: AX=4402h/SF=00h,AX=4402h"EMM386",INT 2F/AX=D201h/BX=5145h

See Also: INT 67/AH=3Fh

Format of EMM import structure record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   physical address of EMM import structure
 04h   BYTE    EMM import structure major version
 05h   BYTE    EMM import structure minor version

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