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Int 21 Fn 2B44  - PCanywhere Iv/lan - Installation Check                   [R]

   AX = 2B44h ('D')
   BX = 4D41h ('MA')
   CX = 7063h ('pc')
   DX = 4157h ('AW')

Return: AX = 4F4Bh ('OK') if large host resident
      = 6F6Bh ('ok') if small host resident
   CX:DX -> API entry point

See Also: INT 16/AH=79h

Call API entry point with:
   AX = 0000h get pcANYWHERE IV version
       DS:SI -> BYTE buffer for host type code

       Return: AH = version number
           AL = revision number
           DS:DI buffer byte filled with
           00h full-featured host
           01h limited-feature LAN host
           other API may not be supported
   AX = 0001h initialize operation
       DS:SI -> initialization request structure (see below)

       Return: AX = function status (see below)
   AX = 0002h get status

       Return: AH = current operating mode (see init req structure below)
           AL = current connection status
           bit 0: a physical connection is active
           bit 1: remove screen updating is active
           bit 2: connection checking is active
           bit 3: hot key detection is active
           bit 4: background file transfer is active
   AX = 0003h suspend remote screen updates

       Return: AX = function status (see below)
   AX = 0004h resume screen updates

       Return: AX = function status (see below)
   AX = 0005h end current remote access session
       DS:SI -> termination request structure (see below)

       Return: AX = function status (see below)
   AX = 0006h remove pcANYWHERE IV from memory

       Return: AX = status
           0000h successful
           FFD2h unable to release allocated memory
           FFD1h unable to release interrupt vectors
   AX = 8000h read data from communications channel
       DS:BX -> buffer
       CX = buffer size

       Return: AX >= number of characters read/available
           AX < 0 on error
   AX = 8001h write data to communications channel
       DS:BX -> buffer
       CX = buffer size

       Return: AX >= number of characters written
           AX < 0 on error
   AX = 8002h get connection status

       Return: AX = status
           > 0000h if connection active
           = 0000h if connection lost
           < 0000h on error

Format of initialization request structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    operating mode
       00h wait for a call
       01h hot key activates
       02h incoming call activates
       03h initiate a call
 01h  3 BYTEs  user ID to append to config file names
 04h   WORD    DS-relative pointer to path for config files
 06h   WORD    DS-relative pointer to path for program files

Format of termination request structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    operating mode after termination
       00h wait for a call
       01h hot key activates
       02h incoming call activates
       80h use current mode
       FFh remove from memory

Values for function status:
 0000h function completed successfully
 FFF2h unable to establish a connection when operating mode is
   "Initiate a call"
 FFF3h modem configuration is invalid (corrupt config)
 FFF4h modem initialization failed (no modem response)
 FFF5h the communications device could not be initialized
 FFF6h the host operator aborted the function
 FFF7h the communications driver type specified in the configuration file is
   different than the one loaded when pcANYWHERE IV was initially started
 FFF9h the configuration file is invalid
 FFFAh the configuration file could not be found
 FFFBh no session is active
 FFFCh a remote access session is active
 FFFDh the specified operating mode is invalid

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