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Int 21 Fn 2526  P - Phar Lap 386/dos-extender - Get Configuration Informa  [E]

   AX = 2526h

Return: ???

Notes: details are not yet available
   this function takes a pointer to the configuration buffer (see below)
     and a poitner to a BYTE as arguments

Format of configuration buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   flags 1 (see below)
 04h   DWORD   flags 2 (unused through v5.0)
 08h   DWORD   flags 3 (unused through v5.0)
 0Ch   DWORD   386|DOS-Extender major version
 10h   DWORD   386|DOS-Extender minor version
 14h   DWORD   first letter of text after minor version number in version str
 18h   DWORD   beta flag (00h normal release, 01h beta release)
 1Ch   DWORD   processor (3 = 386, 4 = 486)
 20h   DWORD   coprocessor (4 = none, 6 = 287, 7 = 387/486)
 24h   DWORD   Weitek coprocessor flag (0 = none, 1 = present)
 28h   DWORD   machine type (0 = IBM PC compatible, 1 = NEC 9800 series)
 2Ch   DWORD   machine class
       IBM: bus type (0=ISA, 1=MCA, 2=XT, 3=EISA)
       NEC: 0=normal mode, 1=high-res mode
 30h   DWORD   VCPI flag (0 = none, 1 = present)
 34h   DWORD   -WEITEK/-1167 switch (0 = AUTO, 1 = ON, 2 = OFF)
 38h   DWORD   -MINREAL setting
 3Ch   DWORD   -MAXREAL setting
 40h   DWORD   -MINIBUF setting
 44h   DWORD   -MAXIBUF setting
 48h   DWORD   size in bytes of DOS call data buffer
 4Ch   DWORD   number of interrupt stacks (-NISTACK)
 50h   DWORD   interrupt stack size (-ISTKSIZE)
 54h   DWORD   -REALBREAK setting
 60h   DWORD   -PRIVEC
 64h   DWORD   -INTMAP
 68h   DWORD   -PRIMAP
 6Ch   DWORD   VCPI: master 8259 interrupt vector base (IRQ0 mapping)
 70h   DWORD   VCPI: slave 8259 interrupt vector base (IRQ8 mapping)
 74h   DWORD   BIOS print screen interrupt vector (0 if NEC)
 78h   DWORD   -EXTLOW setting
 7Ch   DWORD   -EXTHIGH setting
 80h   DWORD   lowest physical extended-memory address allocatable
 84h   DWORD   highest physical extended-memory address allocatable + 1
 88h   DWORD   special memory's physical base address (00000000h if none)
 8Ch   DWORD   special memory size in bytes (00000000h if none)
 90h   DWORD   -MAXVCPIMEM setting
 94h   DWORD   -VSCAN
 98h   DWORD   -SWAPCHK (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = FORCE, 3 = MAX)
 9Ch   DWORD   -CODESIZE setting
 A0h   DWORD   minimum swap file size (-MINSWFSIZE)
 A4h   DWORD   maximum swap fiel size (-MAXSWFSIZE)
 A8h   DWORD   page replacement policy (0 = LFU, 1 = NUR)
 ACh   DWORD   number of GDT entries (-NGDTENT)
 B0h   DWORD   number of LDT entries (-NLDTENT)
 B4h   DWORD   program's privilege level (0-3)
---386|DOS-Extender v3.0+ ---
 B8h   DWORD   -LOCKSTACK setting
 CCh   DWORD   virtual memory manager flag (0 = not present, 1 = present)
 D0h   DWORD   Cyrix coprocessor flag (0 = no Cyrix EMC387, 1 = present)
 D4h   DWORD   -CYRIX setting (0 = AUTO, 1 = ON, 2 = OFF)
 D8h   DWORD   DPMI flag (0 = not present, 1 = present)
 DCh   DWORD   DPMI major version
 E0h   DWORD   DPMI minor version
 E4h   DWORD   DPMI capabilities flags
       bit 0: paging supported
       bit 1: physical device mapping
       bit 2: conventional memory mapping
       bit 3: exceptions restartable
 E8h   DWORD   VCPI major version
 ECh   DWORD   VCPI minor version
 F0h   WORD    VCPI: IRQ0-7 physical base interrupt vector
 F2h   WORD    VCPI: IRQ8-15 physical base interrupt vector
 F4h   DWORD   XMS flag (0 = none, 1 = present)
 F8h   DWORD   XMS major version
 FCh   DWORD   XMS minor version
100h   WORD    application's CS selector
102h   WORD    application's DS selector
104h   WORD    application's PSP selector
106h   WORD    application's environment selector
108h   WORD    selector mapping entire first megabyte
10Ah   WORD    selector mapping text video memory
10Ch   WORD    selector mapping video memory (text for IBM, graphics for NEC)
10Eh   WORD    selector mapping Weitek address space, 0000h if not present
110h   WORD    selector mapping Cyrix EMC387 address space, 0000h if none
112h   WORD    reserved (0)
114h   DWORD   real-mode FAR entry point to call to switch to protected mode
         with no saved context
118h   DWORD   size of LDT in bytes
---386|DOS-Extender v5.0+ ---
11Ch   DWORD   Windows flag (0 = not present, 1 = Windows present)
120h   DWORD   Windows major version
124h   DWORD   Windows minor version
128h   DWORD   Windows mode (0 = real/standard, 1 = enhanced)
12Ch   DWORD   OS/2 flag (0 = not present, 1 = OS/2 present)
130h   DWORD   OS/2 major version
134h   DWORD   OS/2 minor version
138h 50 DWORDs reserved (0)

Bitfields for flags 1:
 bit 0 -NOPAGE specified
 bit 1 -A20 specified
 bit 2 -VDISK specified
 bit 3 -XT specified
 bit 4 -AT specified
 bit 5 -MCA specified
 bit 6 -EISA specified
 bit 7 -NORMRES specified (NEC only)
 bit 8 -HIGHRES specified (NEC only)
 bit 9 set if -SWFGROW1ST, clear if -NOSWFGROW1ST
 bit 10    -NOVM specified
 bit 11    -SAVEREGS specified
 bit 12    unused (clear)
 bit 13    -NOVCPI specified
 bit 14    -NOMUL specified
 bit 15    -NOBMCHK specified
 bit 16    -NOSPCLMEM or -NOBIM
 bit 17    -NOPGEXP specified
 bit 18    -SWAPDEFDISK specified
---v3.0+ ---
 bit 19    -SAVEINTS specified
 bit 20    -NOLOAD specified
 bit 21    -PAGELOG specified
 bit 22    -OPENDENY specified
 bit 23    -ERRATA17 specified
---v4.1+ ---
 bit 24    -NESTDPMI specified
 bit 25    -NONESTDPMI specified
 bit 26    -NODPMI specified
 bit 27    -NOPCDWEITEK specified
---v4.2+ ---
 bit 28    -WININT21 specified

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson